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Por qué bloginfertilidad?

Cada vez que veo pacientes nuevos con problemas de infertilidad que les cuesta explicarme que han hecho hasta ahora o directamente no pueden, me siento mal.


Es muy importante que los pacientes entiendan tanto o más que su médico el problema por el que están pasando. Para eso es este blog, para explicarles qué significa cada cosa que les mencionamos en la consulta.


Para quién es este blog? Especialmente para aquéllos que nunca han ido con un especialista en infertlidad, para que sepan qué preguntar, qué decir, qué cuestionar, qué creer... Aunque definitivamente este blog también sirve para aclarar dudas si ya se ha ido con uno.


Nos vemos por aquí!


     My continual progression in education along with my current international experience has cemented my career goals to become a skilled specialist in the field of reproductive medicine and to advance its development and advancement. Previously, my goal was to become solely a leading physician in my home country of Mexico. This has since changed due to the increased exposure offered and knowledge gained first during my work in the Reproductive Medicine Service as an attending physician at Institut Universitari Dexeus in Barcelona, Spain, and later after my fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility with Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York affiliated with the Mount Sinai School of Medicine located in New York City. The opportunity to investigate within studies and participate within national and international conferences has engendered my ability to increase personal knowledge and sovereignty within the numerous facets of reproductive medicine.

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